Flow Matched Bosch 980/1150cc Injector Set
When it comes to your injectors, don’t take chances. Many places will happily sell you injectors that have a flow variance that exceeds 5% and often times by a lot. This variance is normal between new injectors, but is unacceptable when pushing the boundaries of your setup.
These injectors are the perfect upgrade, offering fantastic driveability characteristics and legendary Bosch reliability, while also allowing flexibility in your fuel type.
Our injectors are dynamically flow matched using industry leading equipment, ensuring that all your injectors are flowing as closely and accurately as possible to one another.
All injector sets sold will be dynamically matched under 2% flow variance at 75% duty cycle and 25% duty cycle, with supplied documentation to maintain a service record during injector cleans.
These injectors are Ethanol and Methanol safe, and flow rates are expected to be 980cc/min @ 3 bar and 1150cc/min @ 4 bar.